Hono, a high quality hardback book was developed for Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua as part of a digital cultural repatriation intitiative. Virtually all remaining Ngati Whatua taonga reside in institutions or private collections, both in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. When access becomes difficult or impossible, other ways of reconnecting whanau with their history and culture need to be explored. Hono represents the first major initiative of its kind to bring these taonga out of the cases and corridors back into the homes of their tupuna. Paradigm worked with researchers and authors, Bernard Makoare and Hinerangi Himiona, from conception over two years. The superb photography by Mark Adams and Haru Sameshima, often in very difficult circumstances, showcases these important works in detail. A special limited edition was also produced with an embossed sleeve in a foiled cloth box. Printed and bound entirely in Tamakai Makaurau Auckland, this publication is a testament to all involved.